Boulder Day Nursery

Boulder Day Nursery Association was founded in 1917, and began operating Boulder Day Nursery (BDN) to care for children whose mothers entered the workforce to support their families and community during World War I. Over the decades, BDN continued to serve parents with limited resources by providing high-quality childcare, early learning programs, and family support services. Boulder Day Nursery currently provides full and part time childcare for children ages six weeks through six years old. Our target population is low-income, working families who live and work in Boulder County. Contrary to popular perception, there are thousands of families in Boulder with incomes at or below the Federal Poverty Level.

Our unique, comprehensive services support Boulder County families in a variety of ways, including developmental screenings, health and nutrition education, proactive family support services, and school readiness preparation. Over the years, Boulder Day Nursery has provided care to many low-income families and awarded millions of dollars in scholarships. We exist today because of the generous support from a caring community.

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